Paper Rose Games

Modern Games Retro Style

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Tom is the Founder of Paper Rose Games

About Paper Rose Games

Tom (Founder) Explains the Theory Behind The Games

My name is Tom and I have been gaming since I was 7 years old. When I finished a game, I would often find myself wanting more, and eventually I started wanting to add more myself, which naturally developed into wanting to make my own games from scratch. I would write down ideas in numerous notebooks, and eventually I would discover the existence of RPG Maker,  so I got it, and started dabbling.

I made a few short games for my own entertainment, and realised this is my calling. I have so many ideas already written down that it could take me well beyond retirement age!

I currently only use RPG Maker, this is because it's both accessible and capable of great things. I also prefer colourful retro-style games with engaging stories. All my games will be available through Steam to which this website points. I will be updating information as new games are developed. Just click on News for updates.


20th August 2017

Torn Familjen - Released Through Steam

Torn Familjen tells the story of Cathrin, a student of magic whose abundant generosity ends up getting her in big trouble...

A stylised JRPG-style game, in which you guide Cathrin, a budding mage, through a range of environments, taking on big bosses and uncovering the secrets of the magical world of Taika.

Making her escape from the Mage Tower and accompanied only by her uncle, Cathrin embarks on a perilous journey. She
will find herself travelling through a land of frost and ice, and if luck is on her side, through an ancient wild forest landscape to the fiery heat of a volcano. Further along, more hostile lands await, including the terror of a jungle and cursed swamps in desolate savannas, to name but a few, all with the constant threat of capture.

Torn Familjen the first Paper Rose Game
Cathrin makes a daring escape from the Mage TowerPapaer Rose - addictive Games

Will Cathrin ever be able to atone for her mistake? 

Along the way, she will make new friends, and new enemies, too. Fortunately, there's no shortage of fighting skill amongst the group she can assemble as they fight their battle using their wits, abilities and of course, magic.

Retro Games from Paper Rose Games

Just a small example of some of the screens and places you will travel with Cathrin as you escape the Mages who are hot on your heels.

For more information and to see if you can make your escape visit Steam today.

Find Out More on Steam

The Games

Torn Familijen available from Steam

Torn Familjen

A stylised JRPG-style game, in which you guide Cathrin, a budding mage, through a range of environments, taking on big bosses and uncovering the secrets of the magical world of Taika.

Find Out More on Steam

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